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Bio Plot

4.8 ( 1408 ratings )
Livsstil Hälsa & Fitness
Utvecklare: Thomas Dornseif
1.99 USD

Bio Plot is a full featured Biorhythm app supporting adaptive scrolling, zooming, saving, and comparing birthdays. Viewing past and future dates, and sending todays rhythms via SMS or email. Plot, Compare, Send (SMS and email), and set local notifications (iOS 10+) on birthdays you save in Bio Plot. A biorhythm (from Greek bios, meaning "life" and rhuthmos, meaning "any regular recurring motion, rhythm") is an attempt to predict various aspects of a persons life through simple mathematical cycles. The app plots 3 rhythms; physical a 23 day cycle, emotional a 28 day cycle, and intellectual a 33 day cycle. The rhythms start at birth and will only meet once again every 58.18 years. This Pseudoscience was popular in the late 70s and its fun to see how closely this rhythm matches your own moods and feelings. The app has an extensive help section that besides general help, holds an emoji legend, a rhythm details section, and a device history section with examples of past devices that have been manufactured specifically to calculate rhythms. See the Wikipedia on Biorhythm for more info.